Data geek

img_6117I am a data geek. I always run with my Garmin.  I love to review my runs and look at the routes, splits, elevation gain and compare my progress from previous runs. I know there are two schools of thought on this and some people are firm believers of running for the joy or running and not focusing on the data behind it, but that’s just not me.

And I’m so glad that I do track all my runs because it meant that last week I noticed that I had just clocked up 3000 lifetime miles! Perhaps not that impressive on first read but remember, when I say lifetime, I mean from January 2014 as before that I could hardly run a bath, let alone a mile. So this 3000 miles is over 28 months, averaging over 100 miles a month. Without tracking all my data with precision, I would never have noticed this amazing achievement.

So just how far is 3000 miles? According to this Daily Mail article (forgive me for quoting the DM but it illustrates a point!) 3000 miles is the same as the distance from London to Gambia, where allegedly a man was spotted riding a Boris Bike through his village.

So pretty far, I’d say.

Just another 958.8 miles to go and I’ll have made it once around the earth. And I’ll be able to report on every single one of them because I am a proud data geek!

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